Anastilotiki Construction Company SA is rated 3 out of 5 in the category construction. Read and write reviews about Anastilotiki Construction Company SA. Established in 1987, Anastilotiki SA is registered in the Contractors Companies Register (M.E.E.P.) of the Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works for the following categories: Roadworks, Building works, Hydraulic works, Marine works, E/M works, Industrial and energy works (6th class). Also registered in the work assignment list of N.A.T.O. and special list of Hellenic Ministry of National Defense. Activated in major construction works. Planning & implementation e.g. structural, restoration, rearrangement, maintenance, hydraulic, marine, electromechanical, industrial, energy works
3 Ag. Varvaras Str. Halandri
Company size
51-200 employees